The Last Empire.

Draw comparisons.
The break apart of the former Soviet
Union. The release of material, stories, and
factual details from the archives,
untold stories, as the political systems
fell apart.
And the themes of my work.
The raw, unprocessed, untreated
visual and asethetic qualities.
In text and writing
Visual materials
Responses to stories

Ethical practice, approaches to meaning
the construction of stories.
Authorship and the voice of the
Individual truth
Soviet ideology.
The mass. Individuals and
collective identity. The Soviet ideal.

In meanings, scope and form.
Allow everything to conflict,
and sit aside each other -
production processes to allow
multipple meanings and information

Architecture, form, textures and shapes
A visual language.
Feeling and tone, across art, theatre,
fragments. Raw section.
Go to London.

— Blueprint 360
Johnny Tucker, Editor.
Civic gesture - Goldsmiths Centre for
Contemporary Art, by Assemble.
by George Kafka
Portraits by Ivan jones

Make the abstract concrete
give the silence a form.
or loss.