  Svetlana Alexievich,
Second-Hand Time.

Alison introduced me to this book, and
to Svetlana Alexievich. Truth, fictions,
oral histories. Much later, when I
read - the name, has completely
gone, and the author, evaporated.
Fictions about the Soviet Union, and the
truch, and it blurs, when I read the
real, the truth, it hurts, raw, this is
painful reading. In Life and Fate, the
fictions seemed familiar, and I realised
I had read the material here. I spoke to
Lisa, and in my progression panel in
September, about using truth, and fiction
the blurring, memories, realities and
the individual, where is the truth,
and what does it mean, how does it
shift and change over time. Individual
and collective meanings, and the nature of
reality. Alison recommended this, I
took it to Ukraine with me and read it
at home.