  Ukraine Pages
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Processing Propoganda
The pull of Communism

While I was away, I immersed myself in
material from Holodomor, stories, archives,
Ideas, the reality, of life in the former
Soviet Union, people hungry, between 1932-1933,
7 million people died through starvation in
the Ukrainian countryside. The realities of
the system, of communism. And then, I watch
the propoganda. I spent a day in Kyiv at
the Dovzhenko Centre. It’s fantastic, the
archives, the space, it’s like Shoreditch in
Kyiv. And hte work is fantastic too.
Seductive, charming, a vision, of a collect
farm. New equipment, and materials,
provided by the state, beautifully shot,
a vision of a new reality. And I can believe
it. It looks fantastic, the film making is
So powerful, it's glossy shiny, the dream
and vision, it's all so powerful. And this is
my pull. The reality. The history. The
vision and ideal.